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Mentors that inspire me

Professionally and personally, I have always sought the counsel and example of mentors.  I consider myself a work in progress.  When I stumble and fall, or need ideas for a fresh start, these are some of the people that inspire me, and the characteristics about them that I admire.

My friend J, for the last 9 years – Boundaries, Self-care, Humor,

Being in graduate school has only reinforced my belief that self-care is paramount to being a strong contributor to any team. Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep. I have a friend who follows this religiously. She'll pick a workout and a healthy breakfast over a shower. She has personal boundaries, guards time for herself, and is unapologetic about saying, "No" if she really does not have time or interest. She's a single mom, raising 3 kids, and I've never seen her feel sorry for herself. With a smile on her face, and a great sense of humor, she faces even the toughest of days, knowing she is strong and confident, well positioned to do her very best. When things go well she is incredibly grateful.  When things go awry, she knows tomorrow is another day, and frequently tells herself, "Today was just a really bad day, and things will get better." As a result of my friend, I am more accepting of my challenges and more inspired to care for myself so I that I am a better contributor to my team.


My Supervising RN – Charisma, Diplomacy, Female Leadership

I've worked long enough to know that being a female leader is not easy, and can require different qualities than those possessed by males. In a workplace, busy with patients/customers, and co-workers, women can be asked out to lunch, called "sweetie" and "dear," or can find themselves angry and in the midst of conflict and negativity. My supervising RN is petite in stature, attractive and quietly a very commanding presence. She diplomatically turns a male patient's invitation for lunch into a compliment for which she says thank you and politely declines. She changes conversation topics and continues to engage the patient. She actively demonstrates the ability to move on from points of conflict, and praises differences in style on her health care team. "Have you seen how [the other RN] handles this situation? You should ask her about that, because she's different from me and every bit as effective."  I agree that diversity makes for strength on a team and I admire her demonstrating that in her actions as much as her words. 


My Professor, graduate school – Improvement, Flexibility, Example 

Many of my professors are remarkable people. One in particular has asked for feedback on assignments and teaching techniques, and then has actually incorporated change as a result of the feedback in the same class. She has said she considers being an RD to be "being in service to her patients." As a professor, she believes she is "in service to her students," and so is responsive to feedback. This demonstrates flexibility in teaching style and a willingness to admit there might be a better way. In personal development, she has said she accepted new job opportunities occasionally before she was really looking, because she sees opportunities for growth and new responsibilities as necessary challenges to improve. I admire her life-long approach to personal development and her openness to feedback. I have known few people as athletically and nutritionally healthy as my professor. Her candid admission of personal challenges is inspiring and shows great confidence. I think of her example as I approach my new career in nutrition. I want to be an example to others, executing healthy living practices and seeking professional growth and improvement lifelong in my career.


Juror 8, in the film Twelve Angry Men - Team Building, Listening,

Leadership at any level

This is an interesting film. Praised for its unique set and small cast, Twelve Angry Men was introduced to me in a high school photography class. I admire it for the unique leadership style that is demonstrated. Juror 8 is inspirational as he is the sole non-guilty vote in a jury room that otherwise votes a defendant is guilty. Juror 8 asks questions about how others arrived at their vote. He seeks truth more than he seeks to change any one juror's mind. He wants to be sure of a fair process and he carefully evaluates how each juror’s personal experience might be influencing his or her conclusion. I admire that he listens to his colleagues, that he questions perceptions and that he seeks absolute truth.  Along the way he builds a team, and demonstrates that leadership is not always top-down, directed by someone with a title, but that each member of a team makes a valuable contribution. I think about this when one view is divergent from others' on a team. I value different perspectives and I am intrigued when one person's perspective differs from the majority.


My Father, all my life - Hard work, Integrity, Sense of Community

My father is a self-made man who believes in honesty, hard work and giving back to his community. When I was in high school he testified in criminal court against one of his closest friends who had been dishonest in business. He was the only friend who didn't claim, "I can't remember." because he believes in telling the truth, and living life with honesty, all the time. He afforded his own college education, paying for it by working over 30 part-time jobs, and has always given to his community. He was one of several neighbors who personally backed a loan and helped raise money for a much needed community center. He saw the value in providing a place for people to connect with neighbors. He has worked for over 20 years with organizations that support disadvantaged populations. He believes honesty, hard work, integrity and strong community can overcome many challenges. I share his value system, and have actively given time and money to my community. I promote these values in my personal life and will promote them in my professional life as well.  In an ever changing world of impersonal and digital communication we must work to bring people face to face. I value community, giving back, and working together for the benefit of the greater good. 


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